Monday, May 6, 2024

The Final Stretch

    School is essentially over, and I'm feeling a bit of relief knowing that all the burden that school brings will soon be over. The amount of time school takes from me could be draining, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Personally, I always love to learn, curiosity will never leave my soul, but school itself sometimes feels like it's more busy work that consumes my time. Which I value more than money because it genuinely has no price.

    For this section or chapter of PowerPoint, I decided on 6.8.3 Media Formatting Facts. This section of the course itself was self-explanatory but nonetheless, the tool itself is useful. I've used PowerPoint very few times, and I've actually never seen this tool. It's been a helpful shortcut instead of doing it manually like I would've originally thought. This was just the start, however, from adjusting the crop size of the video to formatting the picture style, effects and borders. There are endless possibilities that you can adjust in PowerPoint to make your presentation unique. With that being said with all of these adjustments your slides could be more pleasing to your audience too.


  1. Jonathan like you, Time, I find the most precious commodity in the world is time...once spent never to be regained no matter how rich you are...therefore I'm extremely frugal with mine, always looking for benefits of expending this limited resource.

    I used to joke with the folks in the military, that you didn't get promoted on basic military skills but on your PowerPoint skills since everything seemed to evolve around briefings created using PowerPoint, especially using Media Formatting since slides were full of different types of "media."

  2. I am feeling a bit of relief as well. I think most of us can agree upon the relief the end of the school time feels. However, good job explaining media formatting facts.


  3. Hey Jonathan, thanks for sharing the media formatting facts. I haven't used it in video yet, I am confident that I will be exploring this tool in my future work.
