Thursday, January 18, 2024

IS101 First Impression

     IS101, where to start, the first impression of this class... Well, this class is by far the most interactive regarding professor and student communication compared to others. Honestly, that was my first impression of how much communication is needed for this class. Back in December, when it was announced that the times were changing, I was glad because I preferred to get it out of the way more early so I could go to work after.  Following up on the new year, I was startled by how again communicative Professor Wu was about his class and work. I knew my schedule would be tight trying to get started soon, but nonetheless, I could commit and was lucky to finish Bonus Quiz 1 before school started.

    Now that school has started, every class has its syllabus and assignments assigned. I was surprised to see this class already had an assignment, and I hadn't even attended the first day of class. A bit overwhelmed, as usual, for the first day of every semester, reading and writing for each class. I worked in the morning and went to the gym straight after but was startled to find out how much work I needed to do already. A bit frustrated, if I'm honest, it's around 11:00pm, and I'm finishing this up. This would be only a short-term thing, I am sure, so I get to know the lingo of class, and I am sure it will work out moving forward.


  1. Yes, this would be only a short-term thing :-)

    In the long-term, you will not only get the lingo but (a) identify and adapt to the cadence of the course, (b) rise meet all requirements of the course, and (c) leave a proud and professional digital footprint during and after the course!

    Welcome to IS101-3002, Spring 2024, Jonathan ^_^

  2. Hi Jonathan! I completely resonate with your thoughts on the course load and communication with Professor Wu. My post is similar to yours as well for my impressions on the class.

    It is reassuring to know that I was not alone in feeling overwhelmed and a bit startled by the level of communication with Professor Wu. The interactive nature of the communication, as you pointed out, is notably different from other classes. I, too, found myself a bit frustrated with the assignments coming in before the semester even started. It seemed counterintuitive and left me questioning why we were receiving assignments so early.

  3. Johnathan, I too was surprised when I opened up Canvas and saw how much was already assigned Day 1. Professor Wu reached out to me and after our online meeting, I felt better and started knocking out the tasks and the sense of being overwhelmed has diminished. The blog creation frustrated me too, but I got through it. I took this course to learn about using Information Technology, so I'll be getting my money's worth. As Professor Wu commented, I too am trying to adapt to the cadence of the course, you are not alone. Hang in there.

  4. Jonathan, I was just as surprised as you when I saw that there were assignments before the class even started. This class definitely takes more of my time to keep up with than my other 3 classes I am enrolled in. Some days it is overwhelming, and some days it's a breeze. I feel like there is no room at all for procrastination with IS101 because it is a lot to keep up with. If you end up falling behind, that is where the late nights come in to catch up.

  5. Hello Jonathan! I completely agree that this class demands more time compared to others, and I empathize with the overwhelming course load. Unlike you, though, I would have preferred the class to remain at 9 am instead of being moved to 8. The reason is that I have to drive about an hour to get to class, and early mornings can be challenging for me, especially when I occasionally work nights until 12 am or 1 am.

  6. I agree that this class as a high amount of teacher-to-student interaction. I've never interacted with a professor as much. I also agree that the first week had a lot to take in, but I have belief that after taking this class we will become responsible and detail-oriented people!

  7. Oh buddy, I totally felt the part about finding out we had homework before class even started. What made my heart sink a little more was that the assignments had already been posted for sometime.

  8. Finding out all the work I had to do when college started feels really overwhelming. It takes a lot of time management to get everything together but it's not impossible. Just keep at it. You'll figure it out.

  9. Despite the workload, the great communication from Professor Wu made things easier. I feel like within the first two weeks I really got set up for success when organizing our emails, etc.

  10. I agree, this Class is very interactive and having homework before the Classes even started was very overwhelming. As soon as I saw the due dates for the first homework, I already knew this class was going to be a little tough when first stepping into the water. It's great to be hopeful about the class smoothing out as the weeks go by and it starting to get a bit easier at least when it comes to tackling assignments. I wish you good luck and I'm sure the further we get in, the better it will get from here.

  11. I agree, this class is by far my most interactive class I have had so far in my college career. This makes the workload seem a little less stressful as we always will have the option of receiving help. I wish you the best in future of class!

  12. I stated some similar things in my blog as well, this is by far the most interactive class I have had. Many others seem to have this same conclusion about IS101 and professor Wu, and that it is a nice change of pace even thought the class load might seem great.

  13. Hi Jonathon, I giving my feedback in 5th week of IS101 class. Of all the other classes I have attended, this class involves more interactions. This is the only class, where I could remember most of my classmate names.

  14. Starting IS101 has been quite a ride, especially with the schedule changes and surprise assignments. It's awesome how Professor Wu keeps everyone in the loop. Juggling work and gym alongside the sudden workload seems tough, but you're handling it like a champ! Stay positive, and things will get easier as you get used to the class routine. You got this! 🚀

  15. This post is both relatable and accurate. I'm glad not be the only one feeling challenged by the unexpected volume of work; with everything else, work and school requires us to adapt to surprises along the way. I hope to see you and everyone else succeed this semester.

  16. Hang in there Jonathan, just three weeks left and we are clear for the semester. I guess you found your groove already as i am typing this comment to you. Keep that momentum going strong!
